Beautiful Flowers that Bloom All Summer to Add a Colorful Touch to Your Garden

Heat and humidity in summers can be really harsh on your garden, but there are many beautiful flowers that bloom all summer in higher temperatures. Summer plants can deliver riots of texture and color and can attract beautiful hummingbirds and flowers. The sun can bring a wide range of hot colors like an electric purple, golden yellow, and flaming magenta to your garden. Here is an article about summer flowering plants to help you pick the best ones for your summer garden.
Flowers that Bloom All Summer
Flowering plants are the soul of a garden. Summer heat can be tough on the plants, but some flowering plants appreciate the full sun. Moreover, there are many direct sunlight plants perfect for adding freshness and beauty to your landscape. Below mentioned are the best flowers that bloom all summer.
These are one of the most beautiful summer flowering plants. These summer plants are tough as nails and come in bright yellow, pink, or purple shade. Moreover, they also come in a combination of pink and other sunny colors.
Lantanas are drought and heat-tolerant plants. Moreover, they are favorites of butterflies and hummingbirds. If you are growing lantana in your garden, then you can also hang bird roosting boxes to provide shelter to the melodious birds hanging around the plant. In warm climates, these summer plants can survive winter also and become small shrubs. You can plant these beautiful summer flowers at borders. Make sure that they get full sun.
Sweet Alyssum
If you are looking for tiny white flowers that bloom all summer, then sweet alyssum is the best pick for you. They are popularly used for landscape edging. Sweet Alyssum grows beautiful white flowers perfect for filling your garden with a lot of positive vibes. It is a good idea to grow in your garden or can also use them to fill the cracks in walkways.
These low-growing summer flowers come in a wide range of colors, including salmon, white, pink, purple, and yellow. The cherry on the cake is that they boast a sweet honey-like fragrance.
This one is a low-growing succulent and is also known as moss rose. One best thing about these flowers that bloom all summer is that they come in beautiful jewel tones. It flowers all summers to add a refreshing touch to your landscape. The plant has fleshy leaves, which makes it drought and heat tolerant.
These plants are often included in rock garden ideas due to the colorful vibe they add to gardens. They need full sun to thrive better. You can choose from a wide range of hues, including magenta, pink, orange, yellow, red, salmon, and white. It is easy to grow these plants from seeds which makes them a perfect pick for gardeners.
Nothing can beat the beauty and sheer visual impact of cannas. Their striking leaves and gorgeous flowers in vibrant color bloom all summer. These summer flowering plants grow in landscape or containers. Their bulb-like structure may be hardy in USDA zones 8; however, they are warmer in other regions. They need the sun to grow beautifully.
Canna lilies are annuals in regions with cold seasons, whereas perennials in warmer ones. It is a good idea to plant canna in your garden for lush foliage. Plant them in spring so that they establish themselves properly and then bloom in summers.
Caladium is one of the best summer-flowering bulbs, popular for its beautiful green and pink-shaped leaves. You can grow them in containers or landscapes. No matter where you grow them, they look equally striking and beautiful. If you enjoy indoor house plants, you can bring them indoors during fall. They mostly need shade, and they are so attractive that they do not need any flowers. Caladiums are perfect for adding a lush touch to your garden and creating a romantic setting.
These flowers that bloom all summers are spikes of white, purple, or pink. They are popular for their fragrant foliage, which adds a mesmerizing fragrance to your garden. Salvias are favorites of the pollinators. They are best to add in the middle of planting. These summer plants come in different colors ranging from red to purple. One best thing about these summer flowering plants is that they do not need much fertilizer to grow.
These romantic and beautiful perennials are perfect for all types of garden settings. They are one of the best flea repelling plants which makes them an ideal choice for your landscape. The silver foliage of lavender is also attractive before the appearance of purple spikes of flowers. Moreover, they have a mesmerizing fragrance that acts like a cherry on the cake. Make sure to choose the lavender that can survive in the hardiness zone of your area.
Plant these full sunflowers in well-drained soil. They will attract butterflies and birds to your garden.
The flowers of the daylily can be found in every beautiful color of the rainbow. Some of these summer-flowering plants come with double or ruffled petals. As the name makes it clear, the flowers last only for one day. However, there are multiple flowers on each plant.
To add a spectacular swath of different colors to your garden in mid to late summer, plant daylily in masses. The multi-flowered stems of daylilies grow in all types of soil and require little care. So if you are looking for low-maintenance summer plants, these ones are the right pick for you.
Nothing can beat the charm of sunflowers. These full sunflowers are yellow in the shade and add a happy vibe to every garden. Sunflowers attract bees, and they are no doubt gorgeous. They are drought-tolerant and need full sun. Put these summer flowering plants in garden beds, patio containers, or along borders.
Yellow sunflowers are the most iconic ones, but these summer plants come in around 70 varieties. These multi-branching plants are heat tolerant and flowers throughout summers. So add a yellow touch to your garden with sunflowers.
These flowers that bloom all summer come in red or orange-red colors. Cup has tubular bloom flowers that act as hummingbird magnets. They are also known as firecracker plants. Make sure to grow them in large pots as they need a large space to spread. In order to keep your cuphea plants all season, make sure to fertilize them regularly. Use water-soluble fertilizers for better outcomes. Cupheas are gaining remarkable popularity due to their outrageous array of colorful flowers.
These beautiful flowers that bloom all summer resemble peonies or roses. It is better to plant them in spring to get summer blooms. They are considered perennials in warmer zones and zone 8. However, in colder climates, they are treated as annuals.
In order to keep them blooming all summer, it is better to provide them shade during afternoon heat or sun. Consider planting them in good air circulation to manage a cooling effect. Feed them fertilizers with high phosphorus amounts to keep them blooming.
Fan flower
This one is a low-growing annual and comes in different shades of purple, pink, and white. It is better to grow them on the edge of window boxes and pots. These summer plants bloom all summer, and they do not need any deadheading.
These summer flowering plants do well in dry and hot summers. Fan flowers prefer medium to well-drained soil. Before waiting for these summer plants, allow the soil to dry out properly. Plant them in spring when the temperature of soil reaches 65 ºF.
When it comes to the best flowers that bloom all summer, then Begonia is the right pick. They come in different colors ranging from deep red to hot pink to bright orange. They are grown popularly for their beautiful foliage. Moreover, they bloom the entire season without the need for deadheading. Though they are summer plants, they need shady areas.
If you love yellow flowers, then marigolds are the best summer plants for you. They have flowers that bloom all summer. Though they are old-fashioned favorites, they add a perfect touch to your garden. One best thing about these full sunflowers is that they are indestructible. They resist pests and can bloom all seasons. Moreover, they can also handle a light frost.
Poppy grows delicate and papery flowers that bloom in beautiful tones of pink, red, and salmon. In order to get summer blooms, you need to plant poppies in spring. They die in summer; however, they come back next year. If you love all shades of pink, then make sure to add poppies to your garden.
Peonies are lavish, lush, and sweetly scented summer flowers that bloom from late May to early June. These shrubby perennials can flower for decades if you provide the right care to them. Make sure not to plant them too deeply, or they will not bloom. Do not worry if you see ants roaming around them to sip nectar. They won’t hurt the plants.
Final Words
With the flowers that bloom all summer, you do not need to worry about the harsh summer heat and sun. Summer plants add a refreshing and colorful touch to your garden. They are perfect for adding cheerfulness, positivity, and happiness to landscapes. Tell us about your favorites summer flowering plants by dropping a comment.