Basic Steps To Build Charcoal Grill Setup For Beginners

Learning how to use the charcoal grill is an important part of becoming an outdoor chef. Making a charcoal grill setup requires a bit of attention and time. But, the effort is rewarded with delicious grilled food that you have prepared while experiencing the outdoor areas.
This guide will tell you how to set up a charcoal grill. It draws multiple ways to fire the charcoal grill. This article also offers charcoal grilling techniques and tips and also explains how to use a charcoal grill safely.
Tips To Setup The Charcoal Grill
Get Ready To Charcoal Grill
The first rule of grilling for seasoned enthusiasts and beginners is to make sure that you have enough lump charcoal or charcoal briquettes on hand. Make sure to check the supply before making other preparations to avoid any disappointment or inconvenience when you are ready to build a fire.
Charcoal briquettes or lump charcoal have their advantages. Charcoal briquettes pillow-shaped burn longer, and it cost less than lump charcoal. Unevenly shaped wood lump charcoal is faster to light and generates a higher temperature.
It depends on which method you use to start the fire and make sure that you use lighter fluid; also, you can use the charcoal lighter. Once the coal is ready for grilling, then use the long metal tongs to set the burning coals. Moreover, you also require a strong grill brush to scrub the grill before putting food on to cook.
How To Cook On A Charcoal Grill
How to cook with charcoal? Having a good fire is key to understanding how to use the charcoal grill successfully. To decide how much charcoal is needed, check the cooking area of the grill, and it also depends on how much food you are preparing.
If you want to grill on high heat by using the charcoal grill, then you will need about 90 to 100 briquettes. It is the capacity of a normal charcoal chimney. Make sure to keep the vents open while cooking as charcoal briquettes need oxygen to burn (Study).
Whatever method you prefer, start by removing the grill to open the charcoal grate that sits below the grill and remove all the ashes. Now open the grill vents to allow lots of air to reach the fire. Keep the grill lid off after firing the coals until these coals are covered in ash and ready for cooking, and it will take about 10 to 15 minutes.
To use lighter fluid:
- Set the charcoal in a pyramid shape or in a pile on the charcoal grate.
- Follow the fluid direction for proper amounts.
- Never spray the lighter fluid on the fire of the coals.
- Spray the fluid on to stacked coals.
- Light immediately.
To use the chimney charcoal starter:
- Set the empty chimney starter on the lower grate of a grill.
- Put the charcoal into the chimney. Use less heat or a smaller grill.
- Arrange the lighter cubes onto the grate.
- Ignite the accelerant with the lighter and place the chimney on top of them.
- Place loosely wrinkled newspaper under the chimney and light it to burn the coal (optional)
- Now carefully put the hot coals on the grate when the charcoal has turned gray with ash on top of the chimney.
To use an electric starter:
- Set the charcoal briquettes in a pyramid shape on the grate.
- Insert the heating element of the electric starter into the charcoal pile.
- Plug on the starter into the outlet
Cooking with Charcoal
For cooking with charcoal you would require a thick layer of lit coals for even heat across the cooking surface. The thin layer makes less heat for a short period of time.
Grilling directly above the coals will burn the outside of the meat and create grill marks. Thicker cuts of meat need more time to be cooked thoroughly. To make it perfect without having the food too charred or dry, then create a two-zone fire.
To cook it with direct heat, set the burning coals on half of the charcoal grate for the hot zone. Cook the food over the coals; once it is cooked, move it to another side for slower indirect cooking.
- Place the grate into the position and close the lid.
- Make sure the dampers or grill vents are open.
- Clean the cooking grate with the grill brush.
- Place the food on the cooking grate.
Maintaining the temperature level is important to achieve the best results. Check the temperature and airflow using the vents located at the bottom and top of the grill.
- Open the damper below the fire to increase the temperature.
- Open the upper damper to lower the heat.
- Add more coals if you need more geat.
How To Put Out A Charcoal Grill
When the barbecue is complete, you must extinguish the fire. But, never dispose of used ash and charcoal until it has fully cooled.
Make sure to create safe charcoal grill setup. The simple method to put out the fire is to suffocate it by closing the vents and shutting the lid. It can take two days to make the charcoal cool. Or you can use water to extinguish the fire, but doing this method can be messy.
Once the ash and coals are cold, remove and clean the grill. After that, wrap the waste in an aluminum foil and toss away with the normal trash.
Charcoal Grilling Tips and Techniques
You will acquire the process as you become more frequent with some basics of grilling with charcoal grills. Here are some necessary tips that you need to follow for charcoal grill setup to become a cooking grill master.
- Put the drip pan with water on the cool side of the grill, which can help to regulate temperature and keep the food from drying out.
- If you want a smoky flavor, then soak the handful of wood chips in water for an hour and place the wood chips on top of the burning coals before cooking.
- Grill thermometer will help you to watch the heat if the grill is not equipped with a gauge.
- Grilling and smoking thicker cuts require a longer time to cook. For lengthy cooking, you can add more charcoal to maintain the heat you desire.
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Final Words
Once you learn how to make a charcoal grill setup, you will be tempted to enjoy the tasty flavors of smoky grilled food. With the grilling accessories and the right knowledge, you can start the fire anytime you want. While setting up charcoal barbeque, make sure to follow the safety guidelines. If you find this information, useful drop a comment below this section.