2020 calls for safer Ways to Celebrate Halloween

Due to COVID-19, childhood traditions and staples are becoming a second priority. Finding new and safe Halloween party ideas to keep the kids entertained is quite difficult. Roaming down the streets and visiting neighbors for a treat is no longer a good idea. In 2020 Halloween does not necessarily need to be canceled; you can still enjoy the trick or treat with some safe adjustments.
To help you enjoy a safe Halloween, we have listed some party ideas, games, and decorations keeping in mind the pandemic situation.
Halloween Candy Fence
If you have small trees, yards, or bushes in your front yard, make use of it to make a fun and contact-free display of toys and candy. These innovative Halloween ideas will allow the kids to see all the different cadies’ options that they have and choose one they like.
Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before handling candies and toys. If you have a fence, you can still make a candy fence using a small hedge or tree to hang treats. Apply spooky and fun Halloween party decorations with lots of goodies.
Grab-and-Go Goodie Bag
If you do not feel safe in welcoming people at your doorstep but still want to give goodie bags to kids, then this Halloween idea is perfect for you. Set up a goodie table by setting pre-packaged goodie bags for kids to grab and leave as they stroll. Use fun and creative Halloween party decorations to decide a theme for your table. Sanitize your table and mark a social distancing guide using pumpkins or tapes kept 6 feet apart.
Scavenger Hunt
Want to plan some spooky Halloween party games ideas? Why not set a scavenger hunt for the kids? Get all age kids ready for the fun trick-or-treat hunt. Plan an open-air-scavenger hunt in the nighttime to set a spooky mood for older kids and evening time for younger kids. You can also plant glow-in-the-dark eggs for the hunt. Grab your flashlights and invite the neighborhood kids to join in.
Halloween Pinata
We all love pinatas. It’s time to get creative and make DIY pinatas. Once they are ready and completely dry, fill them up with candies, toys, and treats for the kids to enjoy. If you do not want to DIY, buy one from the store. String it on a tree, 6 feet apart from each other, and let the kids have fun. If you are planning to invite other kids, then hang mini pinatas for all of them.
Trick-or-Treat at Home
This is one of the best Halloween ideas to promote safety. Decorate every room in your house, including the doorways in different themes, and set up fun Halloween party activities and games. You can create a mad chef theme for the kitchen to let your kids design their own pizza toppings, monster cookies, and potions. Set up living rooms with smoke machines, spiderwebs, and spooky music everywhere to create a haunted house feeling.
Virtual Halloween Costume Party Ideas
If you want to stay indoors to stay safe and still want to have all the fun, then throw a virtual Halloween costume party. Invite all your friends and family member, far and near, grab your snacks and get ready on your computer screens to see spooky Halloween costumes. Fix prizes for winners with the best creative costumes. Send out spooky invites to everyone, and not to forget the Halloween themed spooky backdrop for Zoom call.
Fall Themed Party
Try fall-themed Halloween party decorations filled with foods, spooky movies, games, treats, and candies. Decorate the Halloween Pumpkin using creative ideas, bake treats with your family, and do not forget to wear your Costume. Let your kids choose the movie, cuddle together, and enjoy delicious home-made treats.
Costume Parade
The fun part about Halloween is searching for spooky costume ideas and then showing it off to your family and friends. Most of the festivals were canceled this year due to COVID-19. Plan your own neighborhood event and go on a costume parade. Look for fun Halloween costume ideas for your kids and choose a similar theme for your whole family. Do not forget to include your pets.
Final Words:
Halloween is the most awaited festival every year, by all, be it kids or adults. Due to the current situation, safety and health have become the first priority over year old traditions. We have listed some fun Halloween party, Costume, and pumpkin decorating ideas for you to enjoy the festival safely.
Do not forget to comment down below and tell us your favorite ideas!