Simple Ways to Clean a Smelly Dishwasher

Most of us use baking soda to clean our dishwashers. It is the easiest and cheapest method of cleaning. But did you know that there are other methods that are more effective? Let’s explore some methods of cleaning your dishwasher.
When you think that your dirty dishwasher is ready for quick cleaning, you can save yourself time and frustration by trying these tips first. The first thing you need to do is to vacuum the dirty dishes. Start from the top and work your way down. This will keep your dishes from absorbing the dirt that they have gathered in the years that you have had them. Also, the motion of vacuuming will help it get off the bottom part of the sink, where it has not gotten so much use.
Some of the Proven Ways to Clean Smelly Dishwasher:
Using a Cleaning Dish Brush
Another way to clean the dishwasher is by using a clean dish brush. Since a lot of dishes get left behind every day, you will notice that your dishes tend to accumulate more dirt. An ordinary cleaning brush will not be able to clean such a dish.
Using a Sponge or Cloth
Another way to clean the dishwasher is by using a regular sponge or cloth to blot it. Put a teaspoon of baking soda in the sponge and then wet it with water. Apply this to all the dishes that you want to be cleaned using the cleaning methods mentioned above. Once you’ve done that, use the sponge to blot out the dirty streaks and then allow it to dry on all the dirty dishes.
Using Baking Soda
Now, let’s talk about how to clean dishwasher using baking soda. You need to first have baking soda to add to your empty baking tray. Then, make sure that you mix equal amounts of baking soda and water to create a paste.
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This paste will serve as a quick fix to your stained or discolored dishes. Let it dry first on all the dirty dishes, then use it to blot out the stains that you want to be gone.
Using Vinegar
Using vinegar is also one of the best ways to clean a dishwasher. You can use it as a quick and easy way to clean your dishwasher. Just use the cotton balls to blot all the spots that you want to be erased.
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With the use of a cleaning method of vinegar, you can clean dishwasher in a shorter period of time. However, the effects of the cleaning may not be as impressive as using vinegar with baking soda. Use both the method of vinegar and baking soda to clean your dishwasher.
Using Lemon Juice
Lastly, there is another way to clean the dishwasher that you can try out at home. And that is using lemon juice.
What you need to do is to use lemon juice on the side of the dishwasher and then leave it there for several hours. After that, use some paper towels to wipe the lemon juice off the dishwasher. Follow this by running hot water to rinse the dishwasher and then use the same cotton balls to blot out the lemon juice that was left on the sides of the dishwasher.
These are just a few of the many cleaning methods that you can try to clean dishwasher. Be creative, and you will find a perfect method that will suit your needs. Besides, when you combine two cleaning methods, the results will surely make you wonder why you had never tried it before.
The tips above are just the basics of how to clean a dishwasher. There are plenty of other options that you can consider and experiment with before you start cleaning your dishwasher.